Tuesday, April 19, 2005
Today, I was in the right place at the right time. Except at the end when I missed the turn.
This has been a really nice day. Not the Shakespearian 'nice,' but the modern 'nice,' meaning 'really, really good.' Great, even. It was a superlative day.I had previously anticipated that this afternoon would be a long and boring one, spent wandering in the mall, alone, while my car was being serviced.
Lo and behold, however, it did not turn out that way at all.
I was privileged to spend the afternoon with a dear, dear friend, dining on Chinese food (ask him what his fortune cookie had to say!) cruising Kirkwood Avenue, and finally (the best part!) watching him at an aspect of his work. The particular aspect, I shall keep to myself.
Who was this friend, you may ask? Sure, you may ask.
I hung out all day with a celebrity. At least, some people seem to think so. An increasingly large number of people think so, in fact. Tee hee.
He certainly looks like a celebrity. Key words: LOOKS LIKE.
And he is having fun with that.
Ah, but today I had proof. PROOF! A signature on a VISA bill is proof, right? Can't argue with a signature on a VISA bill.
All I'll tell you is that he looks a lot like this. A WHOLE lot like that. It's astounding how much he looks like that. Yes, a whole lot like that.
Only nicer.
(Don't forget to click on over to Patriside's blog and sign up for MixMania! Come on, it's fun!)