Tuesday, January 25, 2005
The end of the world is nigh.
My computer has blacked out on me six times today. I take this as an omen that the apocalypse is upon us, because if I have to take it into Powersource again, they're going to claim squatter's rights, and I don't think I can bear to be without it. If the world ends it might take my mind off it.Please don't chastize me for frivolous use of words like "apocalypse" and "end of the world." My computer is ill, and I'm all in a wad, and I don't know what I'm saying.
Yes I do. Apocalypse.
But, to semi-quote Buffy, "Apocalypse? I've been there."
It seems like it, anyway.
It's been a long, wobbly, off-balance day.
Stupid computer. Stupid error message.
If I re-install Windows XP, will I lose everything? It's all backed up, but you never know about putting things back on. Well, you might know, but I don't.
Context is a funny thing. We WANT our computer stuff to be backed up, but use that same expression about a toilet and we're all running around crazy.
I'm not doing all that well tonight. I think I'll turn in.
"Turn in to what?" you might ask.
Why, I'll turn into Sleeping Beauty. You silly.