
Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Grog. Not the one from B.C.

The word 'groggy' is very descriptive, but hardly fair. I mean, here I am, nodding off from lack of sleep, being all groggy over the keyboard; and yet, I've not touched a drop of the stuff. And it looks like it might be pretty good stuff, too. Check this out:


1 shot rum
1 teaspoon sugar (preferably superfine)
Squeeze of lime juice
Cinnamon stick
Boiling water
Stir all ingredients, adding enough boiling water to fill mug or glass.


Oh, let us all go out and be groggy together. . . .

Groggy because you haven't slept for months isn't quite so cool, though.

I've had a lot of traffic to my blog these past few days, and I'm assuming it has something to do with Blog Explosion, for which I thank you very much, and hope you comment. Oh, and please come back any time. And often.

I never know myself what kind of rant will be found on this blog. It takes me by surprise every time.

Posted by Mamacita (The REAL one) @ 5:27 AM | |


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