
Friday, April 04, 2008

I Put Ketchup On My Steak. Live With It.

I have been an adult for a long time now, but I still like to dip my steak in ketchup. I like french fries dipped in ketchup, too - but only if they're fat fries. Little salty skinny fries are good without ketchup. Roast beef? Ketchup. Meat loaf? Ketchup in it and on it. Not just a sissy little dollop of ketchup, either; I need a pile. You know, for dipping purposes.

When I was a child, I put ketchup on mashed potatoes and French toast, so I guess you could say I'm improving somewhat.

Do I care? No. I like ketchup on my steak. And besides a few additional spices, how is that any different from putting A-1 on your steak?

The only thing I really look back in horror on is the French toast. That was pretty disgusting.

P.S. The steak has to be cooked "medium." I like for the inside to match the ketchup.
P.P.S. If you want to spell it "catsup" that's fine with me, too.

Posted by Mamacita (The REAL one) @ 6:37 PM | |


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